The communities achieve improved health outcomes and decreased healthcare expenditures combined with increased potential for federal funding. Studies have demonstrated that house calls medicine improves coordination of care within the community and delays nursing home placement, which results in greater overall cost savings in the long run. Traditional model of delivery of healthcare for frail elderly patients with deteriorating health leads to higher cost of care due to fragmented care earlier nursing home placement. The sickest of Medicare/Medicaid patients have multiple complex chronic conditions, which limits their access to traditional ambulatory medical care such as clinics and medical offices. These people have such difficultly getting to a medical clinic, they are left with no alternative to a continuous cycle of trips to the ER and/or hospitalizations followed by post-acute nursing home care. If able to eventually return home, only days or weeks go by before another trip to the ER. Numerous Medicare shared savings programs and pilots are being implemented on state and federal levels.
Physician House Calls can partner with other organizations (through our house calls providers) to generate funds that can enhance the local and state economy. For example, house calls programs for dual eligible (Medicare/Medicaid beneficiaries) can generate enhanced Federal match for two years under PPACA Health Homes provision. Physician House Calls can assist in cost savings of Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) programs in dual eligibles (Medicare/Medicaid beneficiaries) by reducing costs of medical transportation and delay or avoid more expensive nursing home stays.