Hospital Benefits
Hospitals improve their designs for reducing length-of-stay and costly admission and/or readmissions.
Our practice focuses on patients that office-based primary care providers (PCP) are unable to serve, because these complex patients are unable to make the exhaustive trip to the PCP office and use the ER instead. Many elderly patients who are discharged from hospitals are unable to comply with post-hospitalization follow-up with their PCP due to health or transportation, which often leads to re-hospitalization or progressive decline in health.
Our practice provides desperately needed in-home primary care to the sickest of patients, which helps keep them out of the hospital through secondary prevention. Home-based primary care decreases unnecessary ER visits and low-value admissions and/or readmissions as well as length of stays for those who do need admitted on occasion.
- 1 in 5 (20%) Medicare patients are readmitted within 30 days (usually within 7-8 days).
- 1 in 3 (34%) Medicare patients are readmitted within 90 days.
- 2 in 3 (68%) Medicare patients discharged with medical conditions are readmitted or die within 1 year.
- 1 in 2 (50%) Medicare patients discharged after surgery are readmitted or die within 1 year.
- Length of stay (LOS) for readmits is usually 0.6 days longer than original LOS.
Soon, hospitals will face costly Medicare penalties for avoidable readmissions.
Several studies demonstrate the effectiveness in house calls program reducing hospital admissions and reducing length of stays to allow better management of bed capacity.House calls program in Boston, MA reduced admissions by 29% and length of stay 34%.
House calls program in Washington, DC reduced hospital admissions by 25% and length of stay by 50% for end of life patients in the program.
Home care medicine (house calls program) is a key cost-savings and care management initiative for Accountable Care Organizations (ACO) wishing to reduce readmissions and enhance outcomes for frail Medicare beneficiaries. House calls programs can also serve as the chief intervention of post-acute programs that reduce unnecessary 30-day readmissions and help hospitals avoid Medicare penalties. House calls medical program can also assist hospitals with managed care or capitated care contracts such as Medicare Advantage or other similar at-risk contracts to manage the care of their costliest patients.

Home Health Agency Benefits
Home health agencies achieve improved coordination of care and better outcomes for their patients. Patients receiving home health are classified as homebound, so leaving home to manage an office visit with their PCP can only be done with taxing effort. Consequently, many patients avoid exhaustive trips to their PCP and only achieve medical care through ER visits or hospitalization. It only makes sense that home health patients should receive their medical visits in the comfort of their home as well.
We are accustomed to processing 485’s, orders for care, and DME documentation. Thus, agencies have less worries of chasing down orders & signatures. Home health nurses have direct access to our house-call providers, which decreases the number of contacts made to receive any new orders and improves overall home health organizational efficiency. Routine primary care home medical visits achieve enhanced medication management, improved coordination of care, and outstanding support for caregivers/family.
Studies show that house calls programs reduce hospital admissions.
- Studies show that house calls programs reduce hospital admissions.
- 1 in 4 (24%) of home health patients in Kansas are admitted to the hospital.
- In-home primary care (house calls) reduces hospital admissions by 25-29%.
Improve your home health agencies “ home health compare” rankings by using our providers to improve patient outcomes and decrease hospital admissions.

Assisted Living and Retirement Community Benefits
Senior living facilities improve the quality of life for their residents.
We work proactively with facility management to offer a viable alternative to exhaustive trips for residents to complete typical medical office visits.
We assist seniors with aging in place to prolong or avoid nursing home placement.
House calls medicine decreases the number of hospitalizations and ER visits.
Our services compliment basic senior care and medical support offered by most facilities.
Many residents need a wide variety of medical provider services, which we can deliver in their homes.
In most cases we can respond quickly to new referrals and urgent care needs.
We work with virtually all home health and hospice agencies to coordinate care, and we are accustomed to corresponding with hospitals and discharge planners.